Built-in mixer with progressive cartridge.

Complete item

04524CR00 - 05524CR00 CR00/CR03/CR04/CR06/CR07/CR08/CR09

Built-in part


External marching part

04524CR00EU - 05524CR00EU CR00/CR03/CR04/CR06/CR07/CR08/CR09
04524OR00EU - 05524OR00EU OR00/OR03/OR04/OR06/OR07/OR08/OR09
04524XXXXEU - 05524XXXXEU Bongio 04524 – 05524 XXXX

Refer to this line of price for all other realizable color combinations.Refer to this line of price for all other realizable color combinations.


Mixer extension 00100CRPRPR
Mixer extension 00100XXPRPR

NoteSpare part/mixer extension for different finishes.

OPTIONAL: Built-in box for drywall and cavity wall 09702PBOX

Spare parts

Cartridge and inside mechanism 9822